Orthopaedic shoes
Gazela Praha s.r.o. is a provider of individual orthopaedic footwear, i.e. custom-made footwear with specific requirements for therapeutic, compensatory and aesthetic function. Our orthopaedic footwear is able to cover most disabilities with respect to the specific needs of individual patients. Production is based on a medical prescription - a voucher for a therapeutic and orthopaedic device - issued by a specialist doctor (specialties of orthopaedics, orthotic prosthetics, rehabilitation and physical medicine).

Resolution by code:
Orthopaedic footwear - simple - individually made - up to and including 18 years
2 pairs per 1 year, insurance reimbursement 50%
It requires a custom shape selection and is designed for combined disabilities of three or more of these defects. These are e.g. hammer toes, crossed toes, bunions, stiff toes, longitudinally and transversely flat feet with LL straightening up to 2 cm.
Orthopaedic footwear - simple - individually made - FROM 19 YEARS
2 pairs per 3 years, insurance reimbursement 50%
It requires a custom shape selection and is designed for combined disabilities of three or more of these defects. These are e.g. hammer toes, crossed toes, bunions, stiff toes, longitudinally and transversely flat feet with LL straightening up to 2 cm.
Orthopaedic footwear - medium complex - individually made - up to and including 18 years
2 pairs per 1 year, insurance reimbursement 90%
Footwear requiring orthotic hoof adjustment by correction and selection of the material corresponding to the defect. It is designed for combined disabilities, i.e. the three defects mentioned above. Severe hammer toe deformities, crossed toes of a large extent, bunions over 45 degrees, stiff deformed toe, fixed longitudinally transverse foot, then for postoperative and post-traumatic conditions with a greater extent of disability, then for substantially impaired function and anatomical proportions of the foot, for arthritic deformities of the foot, for edemas of various etiologies, with realized alignment of the lower limb shortening from 2.5 to 4 cm.
Orthopaedic footwear - medium complex - individually made - from 19 years
2 pairs per 3 years, 90% insurance reimbursement
Footwear requiring orthotic hoof adjustment by correction and selection of the material corresponding to the defect. It is designed for combined disabilities, i.e. the three defects mentioned above. Severe hammer toe deformities, crossed toes of a large extent, bunions over 45 degrees, stiff deformed toe, fixed longitudinally transverse foot, then for postoperative and post-traumatic conditions with a greater extent of disability, then for substantially impaired function and anatomical proportions of the foot, for arthritic deformities of the foot, for edemas of various etiologies, with realized alignment of the lower limb shortening from 2.5 to 4 cm.
Orthopaedic footwear - very complex - individually made - up to and including 18 years
2 pairs per 1 year, insurance reimbursement 90%
Footwear requiring orthotic hoof adjustment by correction and selection of the material corresponding to the defect. It is designed for combined disabilities, i.e. the three defects mentioned above. Severe hammer toe deformities, crossed toes of a large extent, bunions over 45 degrees, stiff deformed toe, fixed longitudinally transverse foot, then for postoperative and post-traumatic conditions with a greater extent of disability, then for substantially impaired function and anatomical proportions of the foot, for arthritic deformities of the foot, for edemas of various etiologies, with realized alignment of the lower limb shortening from 2.5 to 4 cm.
Orthopaedic footwear - very complex - individually made - from 19 years
2 pairs per 3 years, 90% insurance reimbursement
Footwear requiring orthotic hoof adjustment by correction and selection of the material corresponding to the defect. It is designed for combined disabilities, i.e. the three defects mentioned above. Severe hammer toe deformities, crossed toes of a large extent, bunions over 45 degrees, stiff deformed toe, fixed longitudinally transverse foot, then for postoperative and post-traumatic conditions with a greater extent of disability, then for substantially impaired function and anatomical proportions of the foot, for arthritic deformities of the foot, for edemas of various etiologies, with realized alignment of the lower limb shortening from 2.5 to 4 cm.
Orthopaedic footwear - a direct part of a prosthetic device or footwear replacing a device
2 pairs per 1 year, insurance reimbursement 99%
Obuv při vrozené malformaci nebo amputaci nohy v metatarzech a výše, obuv přes vnitřní sandál, přes štítovou protézu, dále ortopedická obuv jako součást vybavení končetinovými ortézami, při aplikaci vnitřního sandálu nebo třmenu k ortéze. Obuv charakteru nosné ortézy a obuv při realizovaném vyrovnání zkrácení DK nad 8 cm. The voucher is subject to approval by the reviewing physician.
Adjustments to orthopaedic footwear - individually made
maximum 2 per year, insurance reimbursement 100%
Any adjustments that are made when the health and shape of the foot changes. The voucher is subject to approval by the reviewing physician.
Repair of the therapeutic part of orthopaedic footwear - individually made
insurance company reimbursement 75%
Repair parts of footwear that serve as therapeutic parts, including complex and highly complex footwear and footwear as a direct part of a prosthetic device. The voucher is subject to approval by the reviewing physician.
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