Custom made orthopedic insoles and footwear
Gazela Praha s.r.o. is a specialized manufacturer of individual orthopedic aids. Our company specializes in the production of individual orthopedic insoles and footwear on the basis of a prescription from a specialist. As medical aids, individual orthopedic insoles and shoes are fully or partially covered by your health insurance company.

We are partner of health insurance companies:

- STŘEDA 9.10 ZAVŘENO 1. 10. 2024
- ČTVRTEK 3.10 otevřeno od 10:00 1. 10. 2024
- Letní výjimky z otevírací doby 2024: 27. 6. 2024
- 7.6. z technických důvodů zavřeno 6. 6. 2024
- Změna otevírací doby provozovny Čumpelíkova 2. 6. 2024
- 16.5.24 ZAVŘENO z důvodu účasti na odborné konferenci 16. 5. 2024
Individual orthopaedic insoles DigiMED

DigiMED orthopedic insoles are manufactured using advanced diagnostic technology. Using a special 1200 mm long baropodometric platform equipped with 4800 pressure sensors, a static and dynamic test of your walk is performed. This highly accurate output of your gait can then be further corrected according to the doctor's prescription and the condition of the soles of the feet. Your data is then transferred to a computer-controlled CNC milling machine where the inserts are machined from selected orthopedic-prosthetic materials. The final product is covered with an insole and individually ground according to your needs by a prosthetic technician.

Medical devices provided by us on voucher from a doctor:
The table below contains a list of medical devices provided by us on the basis of a voucher for medical and orthopedic aids.
You can easily find the aid that was prescribed by your doctor according to the code on your voucher..
The table contains the amount of reimbursement to which you are entitled from your health insurance and the quantity limit. If you need approval from a review doctor, we will be happy to create a preliminary calculation for your health insurance company.
Orthopaedic insoles - special - individually made
2 pairs / 1 year
80% of the price
Orthopaedic insoles - children up to and including 18 years - individually made
2 pairs / 1 year
400,20 CZK incl. VAT / 1 pair
Orthopaedic footwear - simple - up to and including 18 years - individually made
2 pairs / 1 year
50% of the price
Orthopaedic shoes - simple - from 19 years - individually made
2 pairs / 3 years
50% of the price
Orthopaedic footwear - medium complex - up to and including 18 years - individually made
2 pairs / 1 year
90% of the price
Orthopaedic shoes - medium complex - from 19 years - individually made
2 pairs / 3 years
90% of the price
Orthopaedic footwear - very complex - up to and including 18 years - individually made
2 pairs / 1 year
90% of the price
Orthopaedic shoes - very complex - from 19 years - individually made
2 pairs / 3 years
90% of the price
Orthopaedic footwear - a direct part of a prosthetic medical device or footwear replacing a device - individually made
2 pairs / 1 year
99% of the price
Adjustments to orthopaedic footwear - individually made
maximum 2 times per year
100% of the price
Repair of the therapeutic part of orthopaedic footwear - individually made
75% of the price
* If confirmation by a reviewing physician is necessary, we will issue a preliminary calculation, which must be approved by the reviewing physician of the relevant health insurance company.
Kódy námi poskytovaných zdravotních prostředků na poukaz:

Individual orthopaedic insoles
Custom production of various types of individual orthopaedic insoles according to foot impressions and gait analysis by a prosthetic technician.

Individual orthopaedic footwear
Custom footwear with specific requirements for therapeutic, compensatory and aesthetic function. Production based on medical prescription.
External workplace:
Clinic Čumpelíkova
- + 420 283 881 333
- +420 727 816 599
Čumpelíkova 1764/2, 182 00 Praha 8
Services provided:
- Individual consultation
- Manufacture of orthopaedic shoes and insoles on a voucher from a doctor
- Incorporation of shoe inserts provided by us
Visiting hours:
- Pondělí – 8:00 – 12:00, 12:30 – 14:00
- Úterý – 8:00 – 12:00, 12:30 – 17:30
- Středa – 8:00 – 12:00, 12:30 – 14:00
- Čtvrtek – 8:00 – 12:00, 12:30 – 17:30
- Pátek – 8:00 – 12:00

Gazela Praha s.r.o. is a contractual partner of these health insurance companies:

Pokročilé technologie
Pro snímání a výrobu ortopedických vložek používáme nejmodernější metodu - Physical Gait System (PSG).
Profesionálové v oboru
Máme tým proškolených techniků s dlouholetou praxí v oboru. Na českém trhu působíme již od roku 2004.
Smluvní partner
V případě oprávněného nároku u nás můžete čerpat příspěvek z Vašeho zdravotního pojištění.